Calvary Baptist Church of Denver cultivates lifelong spiritual growth opportunities that invigorate the mind, open up the heart, and stimulate transformation that leads to action. Christian spirituality, at its deepest and best, is a blend of action and contemplation.
Calvary's rich and diverse learning pathways are designed to nourish people in body, mind, and spirit, so that every person can be communally formed, theologically informed, and spiritually transformed.
Communally Formed
We value connectedness that leads us deeper into life with God and with one another. The wisdom of community is essential in creating space where spiritual friendship can thrive. We nurture, care and encourage each other through the challenges and joys of life.
Theologically Informed
We value lifelong learning where all people can wrestle with the paradoxes and promises of our faith. We seek to learn the foundational narratives of our faith; to help persons encounter biblical stories with the best resources of Christian faith formation today along with a variety of scholarly teachings, and to encourage seekers to decide for themselves the meaning and meaningfulness of scripture and living a life of faith in the 21st century.
Spiritually Transformed
We value growth through following the wisdom of Jesus that leads to becoming better lovers of God, self, and others. The longest trip that a human being will ever make is the one that is taken from the head to the heart. The Christian spiritual mystics have described this journey as the "mind descending into the heart." Our desire is to turn information into transformation. The beauty and power of faith that is found as grace makes it possible to actually follow the teachings of Christ—living them into reality with integrity, gratitude, and generosity of spirit.
What is a disciple? A literal answer might be, "To be a learner." With Christian discipleship, we are not only called upon to learn the teachings of Jesus Christ, we are also called to live them. At Calvary, we offer a number of opportunities for you to both learn about and live out the teachings of Christ. Here are some ways in which you can begin participation at Calvary and gradually deepen your involvement:
- Participation in a small group (GPS group) or Sunday morning Bible study class
- Introductory event
- Participate in New Member Fellowship
- Participation in elective discipleship ministries, such as Stephen Ministry, teaching opportunities, committee service, ministry team service, music ministry groups, short-term Bible studies, mission projects/opportunities, etc.
Professing faith in Jesus Christ and joining the church family of faith at some point on your journey to discipleship is a launching point for future growth, not an end in itself. At Calvary, we will support your spiritual growth and development through this process.