Ways to Give
Create Possibility through Generosity
Calvary—your church home, open to all, and closed to none—is built upon several foundational principles: one of the most powerful is extravagant generosity. It is thanks to your generosity that God’s work can happen through us, and through you.
We are offering many different ways to share your generosity and to make Calvary an even more extraordinary place in our 143rd year in Denver. This year, we want to be sure you see the impact your financial gifts can make.
See your impact now...
- Annual Mileage for VIP Ministry = $1,740
- One month of Blessings: $500-600
- Support for Social Services & Resource Partners in our Community = $500
- Monthly Sunday Morning Nursery Care = $400
- Nursery & Children’s Ministry Supplies & Snacks = $500
- One anthem for Calvary choir: $200
- Paper Bathroom Supplies for One Year = $3,680
- Youth Group Expenses for One Year = $1,300
- Cost for One Student to attend Camp = $900
- Average Gas Bill for a Winter Month (Heat) = $5,500
- Annual Digital Communications (Website, Enews, Social Media, etc) = $23,280
- Livestream Ministry Expenses for One Month = $1,517
- Cost of one congregational mailing: $250-350
- Weekly cost of building maintenance and repairs: $450-500