Affiliations & Partnerships

At Calvary...

we believe that local and national partnerships are essential to being able to extend the reach of our spiritual and social influence.

That is why we partner with organizations that are specializing in areas of spiritual and social concern that we really care about. Establishing and developing these partnerships keeps us engaged in issues that we believe matter… issues that relate to the heart of our church’s mission and to the heart of Christ. They also give us a chance to reach outside our walls, make a distinct and positive difference, and give us a platform, in a more public way, to be a spiritual voice.

Watch Pastor Anne's sermon below that explores why we partner with other organizations.

View our page on this unique partnership.

Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence (CFCU) is the only faith-based organization in Colorado dedicated to ending gun violence. As diverse faith communities, they work to reduce injuries, deaths, and the resulting grief caused by the improper use of firearms — whether suicidal, accidental, or criminal. They work together in areas where they can be most effective, including legislative advocacy, public health initiatives, public awareness, and increased engagement of faith communities.

This is a bipartisan, faith-based organization that works to protect religious liberty for all, defending the separation of church and state. BJC is the only faith based group working on the national level with the singular focus of religious liberty.

This organization unites Baptists across racial divisions, in pursuit of unity and justice and the local and national level. Calvary and New Hope Baptist are New Baptist Covenant Congregations together.

Since 1993 AWAB has been supporting churches in being and becoming Welcoming and Affirming of all people regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Calvary has supported TIA-CO for a number of years financially, educationally (co-sponsoring events) and with leadership. TIA-CO promotes justice, religious liberty, and interfaith understanding by educating, organizing and equipping progressive people of faith and goodwill for advocacy, dialogue, and celebration.

The Threshold is a Christian community of spiritually eclectic people who gather for transformative, contemplative worship; for shared spiritual practice; for local and global partnerships; and for intentional community. Its roots are at Calvary, which introduced contemplative worship in the style of Taizé to the metro area two decades ago. The Threshold community meets on the first Sunday of the month at 5-6 pm, with silence beginning at 4:45 pm in the Sanctuary.

Evergreen Association of American Baptist Churches is an American Baptist Region of churches in Alaska, California, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Venezuela and Washington doing business by consensus and organized by ethnic caucuses.

Being a culturally diverse people who are one in Christ and who value the liberties of our American Baptist heritage, the Evergreen Baptist Association will:

American Baptist Churches is one of the most diverse Christian denominations today, with over 5,200 local congregations comprised of 1.3 million members across the United States and Puerto Rico. Our mission is to serve as the hands and feet of Christ.

Walking together in faith, working together for justice is the mission of our covenanting denominations, congregations and affiliated partners as they come together to be the Colorado Council of Churches.







