We have carefully selected these organizations to work with us as regular partners because they embody the type of difference we want to make in our community.
We support them through our annual financial plan, and accept additional financial donations specified for partners.
Family Promise of Greater Denver
Calvary Baptist is on rotation to host families in our building for a week, about every six weeks or so. Family Promise is a nonprofit organization committed to helping low-income families achieve lasting independence, and it's the only family shelter in Denver that allows 2 parent-families (many shelters just allow the single mom with children).
The problem of poverty is complex. It requires an integrated approach that begins with meeting immediate needs but reaches much further to help people achieve independence and to alleviate the root causes of poverty. Our strategy is to focus our efforts on five programs that work together in a holistic, integrated approach.

Jewish Family Service
Jewish Family Service of Colorado (JFS) believes in strengthening the community by providing vital services to people in need. Every day, JFS helps people overcome life’s challenges to live fuller, more meaningful lives. Founded in 1872, JFS is a nonsectarian, nonprofit human services agency serving metro Denver and Boulder. Their office is right down the street from us in southeast Denver.
JFS helps seniors live independently at home, provides quality mental health counseling, offers training and job placement to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and other people with barriers to employment, and provides food and financial aid to people in crisis.
Every year, the agency benefits nearly 25,000 people of all ages, faiths, and incomes.
Kentucky Circle Village
55 years ago three religious communities, united in a faith of love and service, made a decision to establish an independent-living, low-cost, senior-housing community. In 1959, three church entities built Kentucky Circle Village (KCV):
American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains
First Plymouth Congregational Church (UCC)
Green Mountain Presbyterian Church
Over the years, KCV has grown from 148 to 171 apartments, providing a home and a truly unique community to countless Denver-area seniors.

Habitat Helpers
Habitat for Humanity utilizes the concept of “partnership housing” which centers on those in need of adequate shelter working side-by-side with volunteers to build simple, decent houses. Habitat’s no profit and no interest financing is affordable. And the “Fund for Humanity” (homeowner mortgage payments, no interest loans, and fundraising dollars) provides the capital needed to build.
Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver was established in 1979 and has become one of the largest affiliates in the U.S., celebrating the construction of our 500th home in 2012.
The Habitat Helpers faith coalition is made up of 10 churches working alongside Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver. These churches are located in the Denver Metro area.

Interfaith Alliance of Colorado
The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado brings together people of different faiths to drive equality, human rights, and opportunity.
Our organization was founded in 1998 by a group of clergy and laity who were searching for a way to give a voice to Coloradans who wanted to put their faith into action as a force for good in public life. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and an affiliate of the national Interfaith Alliance organization.
Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence
Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence (CFCU) is the only faith-based organization in Colorado dedicated to ending gun violence. As diverse faith communities, they work to reduce injuries, deaths, and the resulting grief caused by the improper use of firearms — whether suicidal, accidental, or criminal. They work together in areas where they can be most effective, including legislative advocacy, public health initiatives, public awareness, and increased engagement of faith communities.