Community Resources

People of color often face disparities in access to mental health resources. You can view these collected resources compiled from the Live Another Day organization.


  • Check out this guide from about Senior Living in Colorado, including cost breakdown, how to know if you're eligible for Medicaid,applying for Medicaid, assisted living laws and regulations in Colorado, and a list of assisted living facilities. 

  •, a groundbreaking website developed by bringing together experts in substance misuse treatment from leading nonprofit, academic, and government institutions. Through this important resource, individuals can hear stories from people with similar life experiences, discover the answers they need for recognizing and dealing with substance misuse, and locate support.

  • A medically reviewed (shown in the top right corner) list of addiction hotlines. They work in the way suicide and other crisis lines do, they are confidential, free, and are available 365 days a year and 24 hours a day.

    The resource page also provides community-specific hotlines for veterans, the LGBTQ community, sexual assault victims, and domestic violence. Besides that, it talks about what kind of questions a drug hotline might ask and what you can expect from calling a hotline, among other things.

  • COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Multigenerational Families from Generations United for multigenerational families living under the same roof. Other resources may be found at Generations United

  • A Comprehensive Guide to COVID-19 from NAMI, National Association for Mental Illness 

  • Comprehensive List of Support Services from Denver's Department of Public Health & Environment
