Music Ministry

Organist / Pianist Job Opening


Click to view the open position for our music ministry



Music has a vital role at Calvary Baptist Church of Denver as we engage people with melody, rhythm, and purpose.

Singing or playing in a choir creates meaningful community with one another—each of us is one part of the whole body, and we believe it is good to use our gifts for the good of the whole.

By making music together, we see the presence of God in our rehearsals, our creative output, and our worship. Church membership is not required for participation in any ensemble, so please consider joining us in ministry together.

The Calvary Choir

The Calvary Choir is our church's adult mixed chorus. It is open to all singers 18 years of age or older. The choir is the primary musical group leading our Sunday morning worship 3-4 times a month during the regular program year (September - May). They also sing once a month during the summer. Additionally, the Calvary Choir presents an annual Christmas concert in December featuring instruments/orchestra and soloists. Knowledge of music notation is a plus but not required - just a good ear, a strong commitment, and a love of singing for the glory of God. And if you are not able to join the choir now but know of someone who may be interested, please let me know. We rehearse on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m. For more information, call the main office or email me at 

The Calvary Choir is essentially a non-auditioned chorus, however, we currently have four section leaders known as Choral Assistants who are auditioned and paid a stipend for leading and assisting the volunteer members of the choir. This Choral Assistant program began in 2020 after a grant was awarded through the Lilly Foundation and the Church Music Institute to support and uphold music in worship. Since this initial grant, which funded the first round of Choral Assistants, our congregation has offered its financial support of the program, fully aware of its value, not only in supporting music and the choir but also in offering a church home to young, aspiring professional singers who may otherwise not be a part of a worship community. If you are interested in offering a financial gift to continue supporting this program, please contact Dr. Farwig or simply note that your contribution is for the Choral Assistant program. 

JuBellation Handbell Choir

Calvary's Handbell Choir, JuBellation, meets for rehearsals on Sundays at 11:45 a.m. in the Instrument Room from September through May. Ringers play using our newly refurbished, 5-octave Malmark set. Players of all ages and abilities are welcome, although previous experience reading music is a big plus. JuBellation plays 2-4 times a year, ringing the Chiming of the Hour for our Sunday morning service as well as playing full pieces on its own or with the choir. 

Children's & Youth Music

At this time, following the COVID-19 pandemic, Children's and Youth music is on hold. However, we always strive to offer opportunities for children and youth music in worship, including special anthems featuring treble voices as well as having youth play their instrument of choice for an offertory or as hymn accompaniments. As the number of children and youth begins to grow, more programs for music involvement will become available.

Check out this page for information about our McManis Pipe Organ!



