March 09, 2018
2018: A Year of Invitation
We begin "An Invitational Lent" by exploring our first 2018 INVITE CHALLENGE:
We continue "An Invitational Lent" by exploring our fourth 2018 INVITE CHALLENGE: INITIATE. This is all about learning to begin conversations with people about faith and/or Calvary in ways that are non-threatening and inviting. Through initiating such conversations and opportunities we build relationships and involvement. Sometimes it's easier to sit back and be a participant or follower rather than an initiator or leader - but we can overcome those fears with practice and by realizing that even little things create a huge impact. We all have the ability and gifts within us to INITIATE!
Here are some ideas from the 2018 INVITE CHALLENGE about ways you can initiate:
- Send a text or note to someone at Calvary you haven’t seen in a couple of weeks
- Lead a G.P.S. group or small group OR invite someone to attend a GPS or small group with you (it can be two weeks or ten weeks...but it’s a great way to test out interest)
- Join/Create a Ministry Team if you have an interest or ideas around an opportunity/need you see at Calvary (no nominations necessary; no membership requirements; no predetermined time commitment)
- Have a Personal Connection/Conversation about Faith with a non-Calvary member
- Suggest a fellowship opportunity to your small group or class, or a way to reach out to first time guests or long-time members (taking someone to lunch after church or out for a cup of coffee is a great way to initiate a connection and conversation)
And remember, for some inspiration watch this short clip from the founder of TOMS about how much enthusiasm makes a difference in terms of spreading the word about something good! See video below.
Finally, don't forget to fill out your 2018 INVITE CHALLENGE and drop it in the box at the Welcome Kiosk. We'll draw several names on Easter Sunday...and winners will receive a great gift!
~Pastor Anne