August 19, 2019

9:00 a.m. Church School Showcase for All Ages – Fellowship Hall.Come enjoy a Church School Showcase (for all ages) before worship at 9:00 a.m. – hear what the classes will be studying (from kids to adults) and then have a chance to meet the teachers and visit the class.

10:30 a.m. Worship -Dedication of Hymnals.  Join us as we dedicate Calvary’s new Celebrating Gracehymnals in the sanctuary, all of which have been given in honor of or in memory of loved ones by Calvary family members and friends. If you bought a hymnal in someone’s honor or memory, you will be able to pick up notification cards so that you can let them know of your dedication. 

 11:45 a.m. - After worship, we will have an Old Fashioned Church Picnic, with outdoor lawn/relay games for all ages, gospel bluegrass music from the band Dandy Horse, and CBC logo swag giveaway! Bring a “recipe from your roots” (a side dish or dessert from your roots or your heritage) along with a description on a small card of why that dish is important to you to set by the dish. There will be a tent for some seating on the parking lot, but if you are able-bodied, please bring a picnic blanket or picnic chair to enjoy your lunch on the lawn.
