Baby Shower for Morgan & Ian Fletcher

December 11, 2019

Baby Shower for Pastor Morgan & Ian Fletcher

Sun. Jan. 12 - 11:45 a.m. –Baby Shower for Morgan & Ian Fletcher – Fellowship Hall.Let’s gather to celebrate the coming arrival of baby Fletcher with soon-to-be parents, Morgan and Ian! Morgan and Ian offer their thanks and gratitude for wanting to celebrate with them, and while they have stated it would be lovely if folks just celebrate with them, and that they do not need nor expect gifts, we know many of you will want to celebrate them in that way.

If you feel so led, here are some ideas: Please look them up under the gift registries Target or Buy Buy Baby. Morgan and Ian have also set up a 529 account. If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to Baby Fletcher’s 529, please email Brenda Goodman at so she can send you the information.You may also bring a book instead of a card, and sign the inside for their child to read someday as they read their books. 

Please know Morgan and Ian are welcoming to all colors of clothing and gifts: pink, blue, yellow and green, and everything in between! We look forward to your presence at this celebration of a new life to come, and the new parenting journey Morgan and Ian will soon be embarking upon.
