February 20, 2020
Sat. Mar. 14 – Lenten Sabbath Moments Half-Day Retreat – The Sanctuary Center in Castle Rock* – 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Are you looking for an intentional space to practice sabbath? Join us for a time of prayer, singing, labyrinth walking, prayer stations, and meditation as we spend time in community and in God’s creation, which can be a healing and renewing sabbath practice. Meet at Calvary at 9:00 a.m to carpool. Coffee/drinks and light breakfast items provided. Please RSVP to Pastor Alice (ahornernelson@calvarydenver.org) by March 13 so we can plan accordingly and inform you of a change in location.
*If the weather is dreary, we will meet at Calvary in the Chapel.