Faith Formation Inquiry Summary

May 20, 2021

    Thanks to the 66 people who completed the Faith Formation Sunday School and Small Group Inquiry. This survey was created to assess who in our congregation might need a small group or class that does not currently exist. Based on the responses 52 people feel connected to a class or group that is already meeting, and 12 people are seeking a group or class to connect with that does not currently meet. When asked what type of class or group people feel most connected to, Sunday School Classes or a Special Interest Group (choir, topic study, interest group) was the main response.
   As for the role these groups play, or hope to play, those who responded said spiritual growth, a sense of belonging, social connection, and shared interest. For those who do not currently have a class or group they are connecting with, they noted some of the barriers to connecting with current groups meeting are: day of the week, meeting during work hours, or that they serve in another ministry that happens when the group they’d like to attend meets.
   With this information I was able to assess that those who are seeking a group or class expressed three areas of focus – fellowship and connection with those in similar life stages, growing in spiritual practices with others, and those who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Over the summer Deanna Geldens and Diana McGahan will be helping me reach out to those who completed the survey expressing they are interested in a new group to see which of the three proposed groups and gain a bit more clarity around when the groups would meet, whether on-line/off-site/hybrid, and how frequently they would meet. Once they hear back from those who completed the survey they will share in the E-news when these groups are open for sign-up should anyone who did not complete the survey wish to connect with one of these new groups. Many thanks to Deanna and Diana for helping me while I’m on parental leave and for continuing the follow through from the Faith Formation Inquiry. We hope that one or all three of these groups meet the desire to connect with others and currently do not have a consistent group to do so. Keep an eye out for these group sign-ups later this summer.

- Pastor Morgan
