September 28, 2021
Calvary’s discernment process about whether to change our ABCUSA regional affiliation drew to a close this past Sunday, September 26, with a congregational vote after worship. Ninety percent of the members present voted in favor of changing Calvary’s affiliation from the American Baptist Rocky Mountain Region to the American Baptist Evergreen Association. This vote indicates resounding support for the move to a region that is more aligned with Calvary’s vision and values and will allow Calvary to fully exercise its local church autonomy with regard to ordinations. Evergreen also seems like it will offer Calvary new opportunities for mission, activities, and leadership, even as we continue to participate in some local ABCRM programs. Pastor Anne will be updating the congregation soon regarding her follow up with the ABCRM, as well as what the next steps are with Evergreen. Stay tuned as we move forward together as a congregation, awaiting official acceptance from Evergreen and beginning this new relationship in our American Baptist connections.