An Update on Discernment & Lay Leadership Re-Structuring

November 21, 2023

We wanted to offer you an update about how our It Is Well ... stewardship season is going and share a reminder of how we arrived at our current lay leadership restructuring. Each of these areas in our congregation's life is an example of how we are dreaming, creating, healing, and growing together and the community around us.

Lay Leadership Restructuring

Now for our lay leadership restructuring. In late October Pastor Anne shared in a Midweek Word Update that the lay leadership at Calvary, Council and Committee Chairs, along with lay leaders on the Insight Leadership Team (ILT) decided to enter an intentional time of assessing, dreaming, and recommending what lay leadership structure makes the most sense for Calvary at this time in our community’s life.

Then in early November during two Midweek Word Updates we heard from Erin Gangloff, Bill Warren, Jim Comstock, Anne Comstock, and Natalie Ralston about what brought us to this season of intentional exploration of our lay leadership structure. In the Nov. 8 Midweek Word Jason Whitehead - our outside facilitator for this process - introduced himself. 
The two scheduled sessions with Jason include an ad-hoc structure team, comprised of 2 Council members, 3 ILT members, 4 church members, and the 3 full time pastors. The first of the two sessions took place on November 11 and the second will happen on December 9.
There will be work done to make recommendations to our current Council. Then once Council feels there is a proposed structure that is ready to bring to the whole congregation for a vote, it will be presented to the broader congregation.

You can see a timeline of how we got here and a summary of what was shared in the three Midweek Word's mentioned above, here. If you haven't had a chance to watch the three Midweek Words about our lay leadership restructuring you can access each video below.
