
Family Resources During This Time

List from the Enews. Read More…

Faith Formation Bingo

During these times of following safety measures for Covid-19 we are not gathering to engage in faith formation together so I wanted to provide you all with some options for engaging your faith formation at home or within your communities. These are things we can do even after Covid-19 safety measures end so now is a great time to practice and see what works for you. You can also see some of these during the Gathering worship service as Pastor Alice uses some of these for the Faith Formation piece of that worship experience. Read More…

Tags: The Gathering, Spiritual Practices, Intergenerational, Enews, Education, Discipleship

Announcement from Pastor Anne - May 29, 2020

Calvary family & friends,

It’s hard to believe how much our lives have changed since I wrote you on March 12th announcing that Calvary would be closing our building because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Almost three months later, we now know that we’re in the midst of a full-blown global pandemic that will last many months, not just a handful of weeks. Read More…

Tags: Worship, Top Story, Staff Update

A Word from Pastor Anne: Calvary's COVID-19/Coronavirus Response Update

Dear Calvary Family,
On this Memorial Day weekend, I am reminded of the story I learned from one of our own beloved Calvary veterans, Nelson Cox (1921-2019). Nelson was a U.S. Army Lieutenant; he served in World War II in Italy, Germany, and France as a combat platoon leader. At the beginning of his service all the army divisions were fully manned so Nelson was placed in a pool of replacements for casualties of equal rank and sent to Europe where he was assigned to a replacement depot. He then went to Rome for airborne training as a CG-4A glider soldier (not as a pilot he would clarify), but just as he was finishing his airborne training, the Italian campaign was slowing and the war in France was gearing up. So he was sent back to the replacement depot in France and was soon assigned to a ground combat unit already in action to replace the second lieutenant who had died in battle. After meeting the company commander at 5:00 a.m., he said to Nelson, “Lieutenant, your platoon is up there on that hill, go up and take over.” ... Read More…

A Word from Pastor Anne May 14, 2020

Dear Calvary Family,
I hope this letter finds you healthy and well and perhaps enjoying the refreshment of both the sunshine and rain showers this week. Read More…

Faith Formation in the Community

Learning from one another as we engage our practices of faith and faith formation out in the community and at home. The items listed on this blog post come from Calvary members who are sharing how they are engaging their faith during these times of social distancing. If you would like to share how you are engaging your faith by sharing a resource others can take part in please email Pastor Morgan. Read More…

Tags: Spiritual Practices

Mid-week Gatherings Change from Wednesday to Tuesday

Calvary, thanks to all who joined in our Lenten mid-week gatherings that then extended into Eastertide. Read More…

Update from Pastor Anne- Safer at Home (May 8-26)

Calvary’s building remains closed throughout the month of May as we comply with Safer at Home guidelines. Staff continue to work from home and access the building on a very limited basis (with precautions) as needed. Read More…

Sermon Notes for May 10, 2020

Preacher: Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro
Title: Commonality & Conflict (from 1st century Corinth to 21st century COVID)
Scripture: Acts 18:1-4 & 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Read More…

Update from Pastor Anne - May 1, 2020

As we turn the calendar into another month and see springtime buds, sprouts, flowers, and sunshine around us, may these signs of new life in our natural world remind you of the truth and hope of resurrection and renewal that we celebrate in our spiritual lives in Eastertide. I invite you into a spiritual practice this week of noticing signs of life around you and discovering how they might be a message or reassurance from God. As you take a walk outside, or - if you are unable to get outside safely - as you see a sign of springtime new life from your window or on the T.V. screen, stop for a moment and see if that sign reminds you of any scripture verses or spiritual truths. Read More…
