
Monday Night Pub: Can Violence Be Holy?

Monday, February 3 – Monday Night Pub - 6:00 p.m. – Piccolo’s Restaurant (3563 S. Monaco Pkwy) – Can Violence be Holy? Come for this presentation by Rev. Matt Nelson. We will look at biblical and cultural depictions of “righteous violence” and discuss if violence can ever be justified. Matt has an M.Div from McAfee School of Theology and leads worship at The Gathering. Eating is optional. If you don't want to buy dinner, you can just come at 7 for the presentation.

Monday Night Pub is open to anyone! Read More…

Tags: Top Story, GPS Groups, Intergenerational

View Our Annual Report

View Our Annual Report. Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Staff Update

The Big Game Viewing Party (No Gathering Service on Feb. 2nd)

The Big Game viewing party. Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Intergenerational

Submit Your Small Group Proposals for Spring 2020

GPS groups create meaningful ways to gather in community. And, your leadership and gifts are needed during the Spring 2020 GPS. Whether you have led groups before or are ready to try it for the first time, consider this your personal invitation to submit a proposal. Focus on a hobby or passion. Discuss the Bible, the sermon or a book together. Make a difference in the lives of others by leading a 6-12 week small group.

Calvary has offered GPS groups ranging in all kinds of topics and hobbies, such as:
Creativity & Conversation
Evil & the Justice of God
Tuesday Bible Study
Baptist Film Fanatics
Calvary Book Club
Tuesday Prayer and Study
Writing as a Spiritual Practice

If you are continuing an ongoing group, email Deanna Geldens to let her know. 

New groups should begin in March and end sometime before Memorial Day (May 25).

Fill out the form and send to Deanna by Wednesday, February 5.

The congregation can sign up for new groups the last two weeks in February. New groups would officially start in March and end by Memorial Day, May 25.  Read More…

Tags: Top Story, GPS Groups, Enews

Baby Shower Thank You

Baby Shower Thank You

Calvary, words are not sufficient in capturing the gratitude and deep appreciation we have for you all as you helped us celebrate the upcoming birth of our child. For the wonderful shower that allowed us to share time with so many of you and where we were able to laugh, share stories, and receive blessings we are so thankful! While we know how excited we are to be in the final month of our pregnancy and awaiting the arrive of our kiddo we were overwhelmed by the ways you shared in our excitement – not surprised by any means but certainly overwhelmed. We look forward to sharing the news of the arrival of our little one and until then we continue to be carried by your prayers for a healthy transition from pregnancy to deliver and first days as new parents.

We wanted to take just a moment to thank those who threw our shower. Thank you for your organization and all the behind the scenes work you did!

Nadou Lawson

Stephan Barry

Mick and Jan Davey

Katherine Pound

Amalie Haas

Cathy O’Brien

Lorene, DJ, & Jada Walker

Maddy Newhouse

Brenda, John, & Nathan Goodman

Emily, Lucy, & Carly Crile

To those who provided the delicious snack’ems for our shower, thank you! Your brownies, cookies, and treats were so tasty!

Cathy O’Brien

Katherine Pound

Jennifer & Alexandria Jonell

Nina Hammon Jahn

Denise Wylde

Lynda & Gordon Pelton

Abby & Nita Brown

Jeanine Crane

Whether you were able to join us at our shower or not, we have felt your love, prayers, and support during this journey of welcoming children into our family. Calvary we are so thankful for the ways you have held us in our sorrow of previous pregnancy losses and how you have helped us lean in to the audaciousness of hope as we have experienced this pregnancy. Thank you for continuing the journey as we pray for a healthy baby to join us in just a few weeks (or whenever our kiddo decides it’s time to come)!

With Love & Thanksgiving,

Ian & Morgan Fletcher Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Staff Update, Children; Youth

Feb. 2, 2020 – 11:45 a.m. – Interest & Explorational Meeting for Southern Spain: A Pilgrimage into the Golden Age of Andalusia (May 4-14, 2021)

Feb. 2, 2020 – 11:45 a.m. – Interest & Explorational Meeting for Southern Spain: A Pilgrimage into the Golden Age of Andalusia (May 4-14, 2021) – Music Room. Join us for an informational meeting about this pilgrimage opportunity, accompanied by Brad Berglund, experienced travel organizer and pilgrimage guide, and Senior Pastor Anne Scalfaro. All adults are welcome on this journey, as well as high school students who are accompanied by a parent or guardian. View flyer here. Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Enews

Retired Ministers & Missionaries Offering

RMMO Offering. Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Missions, Enews, Partnership

View Our Sabbath Curriculum!

Thank You Becky Porter

We will be recognizing the ministry of Becky Porter as Calvary’s Nursery Coordinator from Sept. 2017 – Dec. 2019 on Sunday, January 19 in the 10:30 a.m. worship service. You may bring a card of appreciation and thanks for Becky that morning.

As many of you know, Becky’s husband Brad was involved in a serious accident at work in July and is still recovering from a traumatic brain injury. Becky is stepping down from the Nursery Coordinator position so that she can focus on her family and Brad’s on-going recovery. It has been a difficult six months for Becky, Brad, and Aliyah. Please continue to remember them in your prayers as they move into the next phase of this journey as Brad returns to work part-time and continues his recovery.

While our kids will miss Ms. Becky greatly, they will be in good hands. Angela Leonard’s role and hours as Children’s Ministry Coordinator will be expanded to include nursery coordination. If you have any questions about nursery or children’s ministry, you may email Angela. If you have any questions about this staff transition, you may email Staff Relations Chair Mick Davey or Pastor Anne. Read More…

Tags: Staff Update, Top Story

Bootstraps' Ministry Needs & Meal on First Mondays

Bootstraps is currently in need of gently used backpacks and conditioner. Please put in the grocery carts in the coatroom. Due to the success of our holiday client appreciation, we are also going to begin serving a light meal the first Monday of every month from 11-1 pm starting in Feb. We will need 2 volunteers to help setup, serve and clean up on those Mondays from 10:30-1:30pm as well as soup preparers. Pat Hagen will send out a request to those interested in helping at the end of each month. You may also let her know of your interest in helping. Read More…

Tags: Top Story; Missions
