Now What?
Philippians 2:5-11
Rev. Matt Nelson

When the Spirit Guides Us to the Christ Child
Luke 2:21-38
Rev. Morgan C Fletcher

Love Over Fear: Our Own Role in God's Redemptive Story
Luke 1:26-56
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Gearing Up for Greatness
Luke 1:26-56
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

Do Not Be Afraid When You Are Standing in the Ruins
Isaiah 61:1-11
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Do Not Be Afraid When You Are Standing In The Ruins
Isaiah 61:1-11
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Self-Examination Can Bring Us Closer to God
Joel 2
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Living in the Longing
Joel 2:12-13, 28-29
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Daniel 6:6-27
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Do Not Be Afraid of the Living God
Daniel 6:6-27
Rev. Morgan C Fletcher

The Gathering Meditation
Selected verses from Jeremiah 31 & 36
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Giving Thanks for the Hope that Holds Us
Jeremiah 36:1-8, 21-23, 27-28; and 31:31-34
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Isaiah 6:1-8
Rev. Karen Zimmerman

Here We Are; Send Us!
Isaiah 6:1-8
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Mopping Up The Fire
Rev. Krysta Baglien

When You Don't Want to Hold On
Selected verses from Jonah 1 & 3
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

The Gathering Meditation
1 Kings 17: 1-24
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Hold On - to Each Other!
1 Kings 17: 1-24
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
2 Samuel 7: 1-17
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Our Houses of Cedar: Knowing Our Purpose
2 Samuel 7: 1-17
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

The Gathering Meditation
Exodus 3:1-13; 4:1-5
Christine Zeiler

Holding On to What Holds Us
1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Exodus 31:1-14
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

The Domino Effect: Once We Start, Can We Stop?
Exodus 32:1-14
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Psalm 139
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

The Courage to Retell Our Stories
Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

The Gathering Meditation
Selected verses from Genesis
Rev. Sara Reynolds

Dreams, Drama, and the Divine
Genesis 37 & 50
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Genesis 15
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Patience & Persistence: A Promising Pair
Genesis 15:1-6
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Romans 14:1-6; 10-20
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Hidden in Plain Sight
Genesis 2:4b-7, 15-17; 3:1-8
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
2 Kings 2:1-15
Rev. Brenda J. Goodman

A Blaze of Glory or Chariots Crashing
2 Kings 2:1-15
Rev. Morgan C Fletcher

The Gathering Meditation
The Story of Rizpah
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

What to Do When We Don't Want Our Manna
Exodus 16
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

The Gathering Meditation
Genesis 11:1-9
Rev. Chuck Goertz

This Is Only The Beginning
Genesis 11:1-9
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Luke 11:33-36
John Kron

When The Fires Do Not Consume
Daniel 3
Rev. Morgan C Fletcher

The Gathering Meditation
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Rev. Jacob Goertz

A Second Wind
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Romans 8:28
Carol Willard

Faith: A Moving Motion Picture
Exodus 13:17-18, 21-22; 14:1-31
Rev. Anne J Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Habbakuk 3
Rev. Chuck Goertz

When God Meets Us in our Fear
Matthew 14: 22-33
Rev. Morgan C Fletcher

The Gathering Meditation
Isaiah 58
Rev. Jacob Goertz

Swallowed Up, Surrounded By, and Spewed Out
Jonah 2
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation
Selected verses from Genesis 6, 7, & 8
Rev. Morgan C Fletcher

It's Never That Simple: The Complications of an Innocent Children's Story
Selected verses from Genesis 6, 7, & 8
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Habbakuk: A Tiny, Totally Relatable Prophet
Selected Verses from Habakkuk
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

A Way Forward
Luke 4:14-30
Rev. Eugene Downing & Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

A Meditation on Division in This World
2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Acts 9:19
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Can We Reconcile That Which Has Never Been Conciled?
2 Corinthians 5:11-21
Pastor Morgan C. Fletcher

Cultivating Courage
2 Corinthians 4:1-18
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

The Gathering Meditation on Reconciliation
2 Corinthians 2
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

When Forgiveness is Freeing
2 Corinthians 2:1-10
Pastor Anne J. Scalfaro

The Complexities of Suffering
2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Pastor Anne J. Scalfaro

Moving With The Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:1-13
Pastor Morgan C. Fletcher

The Gathering Meditation
1 Corinthians 15:12-26; 51-57
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

An Everlasting Easter
1 Corinthians 15:1-26, 51-58
Pastor Anne J. Scalfaro

What the World Can't Teach Us About Talent
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

A Better Way
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Pastor Anne J. Scalfaro

The Gathering Reflection
Matthew 5:14-16
Rev. Matt Nelson

Commonality & Conflict: From 1st Century Corinth to 21st Century COVID
Acts 18:1-4 & 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Pastor Anne J. Scalfaro

The Danger of the Status Quo
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Pastor Alice Horner Nelson

What Do We Do In A Time Like This
Acts 3:1-10
Rev. Gordon Kieft

Fixing Our Gaze
Acts 3:1-10
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Reflection on Transitions
Acts 1:1-14
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

The Human Spirit
Mark 16:1-8
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

The Rolling Stone
Mark 16:1-8
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

When We Prepare for the Unknown
Mark 14:3-9
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

Living Faithfully Until It Is Over
Mark 13:1-8, 24-37
Rev. Daniel Schweissing

Living in a Time of Not Knowing
Mark 13:1-8, 24-37
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

The Light That Will Never Go Out
Romans 8:18-30;35-39
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Drawing Near As We Draw Apart
Mark 12:28-44
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Fear and Greed: The Backseat Drivers of Emotions
Mark 12:1-17
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

What Do We Want from Jesus?
Mark 10:32-52
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Anything But That
Mark 10:17-31
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Who Do You Say That I Am?
Mark 8:27-9:8
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Hypocrisy and the Heart
Mark 7:1-23
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

The Cost of Discipleship
Mark 6:1-29
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

From My Daughter to Our Daughters
Mark 5:21-43
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

When Our Healing Is Complicated
Mark 5:1-20
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

Purposeful Puzzling Profundity
Mark 4:1-34
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

The Old & The New
Mark 2:1-22
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

A Day in the Life
Mark 2:1-22
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Indignant with Compassion
Mark 1:21-45
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

When the Gospel Heals
Mark 1:21-45
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher