Making Room - Fifth sermon in our Advent/Christmas Series: How Does a Weary World Rejoice
Luke 2:2-20
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Songs for the Season(s) - Fourth Sermon in our Advent series: How does a weary world rejoice
Luke 1:46-55; Luke 1:67-80
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Like Those Who Dream - Third Sermon in our Advent Series: How does a weary world rejoice?
Luke 1:57-66 & Psalm 126
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Joy Magnified - Second sermon in the Advent Series: How Does a Weary World Rejoice?
Isaiah 40:1-11 & Luke 1:24-45
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

We live with joy and weariness - First in the series: How does a weary world rejoice
Luke 1:1-23
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

Proclaiming “It is Well…” - Final Sermon in the series: It Is Well ...
Genesis 32:22-32; 33:1-4
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

It Is Well ... With My Heart - Ninth sermon in series: "It Is Well ..."
Matthew 6:19-21
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

It Is Well ... With My Soul - Eighth sermon in the series - It Is Well ...
Hebrews 11:29-12:2
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

It is Well ... with my Mind - Seventh sermon in the series: "It Is Well"
Psalm 77
Rev. Doug Avilesbernal

It Is Well ... With My Heart - Sixth Sermon in the series: "It Is Well"
Micah 6:1-8
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

It Is Well ... With My Soul - Fifth Sermon in the series: "It Is Well"
Psalter 46
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

It Is Well ... With My Body - Fourth in the Series: It Is Well ...
John 6:1-14
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

Do You Want to Be Made Well? - Third Sermon in the Series: "It is Well..."
John 5:1-14
Rev. George Mason

When We Remember Our Beginning - Second Sermon in the series, "It Is Well..."
Genesis 1:26 - 31
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

First Things First - First Sermon in the series: It Is Well ...
Mark 12:28-34
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Matthew/Levi - Thirteenth in the Summer Series: Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
Luke 6: 13-16; Matthew 10: 1-4; Luke 5: 27-32; Matthew 9: 9-13; Luke 11: 1-4; Matthew 6: 9-13
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

James, son of Zebedee - Twelfth Sermon in the Series Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
Mark 1:16-20 Mark 3:16-19 Luke 9:51-56 Mark 5:35-37, 40b-42 Matthew 26: 36-39 Mark 10: 35-44a Matthew 20 : 20-23 Matthew 27: 54-56 Act 12: 1-2
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Judas Iscariot - Eleventh Sermon in the Series Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16, 20-28 John 12:1-8 John 13:21-30 John 18:1-8 Matthew 27:1-10 Acts 1:15-20
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Peter - Tenth sermon in the series Seeing Ourselves in the Eyes of the Twelve
Matthew 17:1-9 Matthew 19:23-30 Matthew 14:22-33 Matthew 16:21-23 John 13:31-38 John 21:15-17
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

James, son of Alphaeus - Ninth Sermon in the Series Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
Matthew 9:35-38, 10:1-4 Luke 6:6-16 Mark 3:7-10, 13-19 Acts 1:13-14
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Andrew - Eighth Sermon in the Series, Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
Matthew 4:18-22 & John 6:1-15
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

Matthias 12B - Seventh Sermon in the Series Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
Luke 10:1-3 & Acts 1:1-4a, 6-11a, 12-26
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Thomas - Sixth Sermon in the Series: Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
John 11:7-16 John 14:1-7 John 20:24-29
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

John - Fifth Sermon in the Series: Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
Matthew 4:21-22; Mark 3:16-17; Luke 9:52b-55; Mark 10:35-37,41; Luke 8:51, 54-55; Matthew 17:1-2; John 13:21-24; Mark 14:32-34; John 19:25-27; John 20:1-8; John 21:4-7; John 21:24-25; Acts 4:1-4; 13 Galatians 2:9-10
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Bartholomew/Nathaniel of Cana - Fourth Sermon in the Series: Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
John 1:43-51
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Thaddeus/Judas (not Iscariot) - Third Sermon in the sumer series: Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
Matthew 10:1-4; John 14:15-31; Acts 1:12-14
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Simon the Zealot - Second Sermon in the Series: Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
Mark 3:14-19; Acts 1:13-16
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

Philip - First Sermon in the Series: Seeing Ourselves in the Twelve
John 14:6-10
Rev. Dr. Ben Sanders III

Don't Forget to Breathe
Acts 2:1-21 & Romans 8:14-39
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

When Peace Making Feels Like Moving Mountains - Sixth sermon in the Easter series: Compassion & Commission
Matthew 17:14-20
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Saved By Life - Fifth sermon in the Easter series: Compassion & Commission
Romans 5:1-11
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Gospel Goodness - Fourth sermon in the Easter series: Compassion & Commission
Romans 1:1-17
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

The Time to Hesitate is Through - Second sermon in the Easter Series: Compassion & Commission
Matthew 28:16-20
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Seeing is Believing - First sermon in the series: Compassion & Commission
Matthew 28:1-10
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

The Children Cry Out - Sixth sermon in a six-week series: Courage & Kin-dom
Matthew 21:1-17
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Caring For Each Other - Fifth sermon in the six-week series: Courage & Kin-dom
Matthew 25:31-46
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

Don't Be Fooled - Fourth Sermon in a six-week series: Courage & Kin-dom
Matthew 25:1-13
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

No Regrets - Third sermon in a six-week series: Courage and Kin-dom
Matthew 22:1-14
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

Fairness in the Eyes of the Gospel - Second sermon in a six-week series: Courage & Kin-dom
Matthew 20:1-16
Rev. Alice Horner Nelson

Forgiveness - Now, Again, and Always - First Sermon in Courage & Kin-dom Series
Matthew 18:15-35
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro

What Is Living - Final Sermon in the Series Pace & Practice
Matthew 16:24-28; 17:1-8
Rev. Morgan C. Fletcher

It's All In the Mix/ed Messages - Fourth Sermon in Pace & Practice Series
Matthew 13: 24-43
Pastor Anne

Invitations to Reflections to Prepare for Discernment
Matthew 7:1-29
Pastors Anne, Morgan, and Alice

Blessed is the Church - Third sermon in the Pace & Practice series
Matthew 4:1-20
Pastor Anne

Famished, Yet Faithful - Second sermon in the Pace & Practice series
Matthew 4:1-17
Pastor Anne

From Stardust to Water - First sermon in the Pace & Practice series
Matthew 3:1-17
Pastor Morgan

What's In A Name? - Final sermon in the Advent series: Womb & Wonder
Matthew 1:1-17
Pastor Alice