Worship Notes March 8, 2020

March 04, 2020

10:30 a.m.  Worship
Rev. Anne J. Scalfaro
Scripture: Mark 10:32-52 (NRSV)
Title:  What Do We Want from Jesus?

   Sometimes we forget that Jesus’ has his own mission and purpose, and is not just here to attend to our needs and desires. At the beginning of this passage, for the third time we hear Jesus’ tell his disciples about what is going to happen to him. For whatever reason – it is not sinking in for them. They still want Jesus around to meet their own needs and they have their own concerns and desires about what will happen when he’s gone.
   Twice in this passage Jesus asks, “What is it you want me to do for you?” The first time he asks this to James and John, and their answer reveals that they do not really know what they are asking for; they want to be near Jesus forever without realizing the sacrifice and service it takes to truly experience that nearness. The second time he asks this to Bartimaeus, a blind man who wants healing. When Bartimaeus asks for sight, immediately his prayer is granted.
   Sunday’s sermon will explore these two questions and responses and the difference between them. We’ll then turn Jesus’ question to ourselves and explore what is that we really want from Jesus. Do we want a miracle worker who will fix us and our world? Do we want someone to be our friend and comfort us? Do we want someone who will grant us privilege and power? Do we want someone who will teach us how to be good? Do we want someone who will make our life easier? What do we really want from Jesus? And is what we want actually something Jesus can give us? Or are we missing the mark altogether in who Jesus is and what he has come to offer us?

Category: Worship
Tags: Worship, Enews