
Men's Group January Meeting

Fri. Jan. 31 – 11:00 a.m. – Calvary Men’s Group Meeting - Fellowship Hall. Come for lunch with a
humorous and informative presentation by Jim Comstock on last fall's mission trip to Stewartville, MN. Come and
learn what was accomplished there as well as the Men's Group plans for the year. Look for an e-vite, or contact
David Peterson ( to make your reservation. Cost is $10. Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Intergenerational

Women's Group Meeting

Sat. Jan. 18 – 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. –Calvary Women’s Group – Fellowship Hall. Fellowship, fun and cooking demonstration, including lunch. All women ages high school and above are invited, guests too! Cost is $10 cash at the door. RSVP to Pam Chapman at or 303-437-4731 (call or text) by Jan. 15. Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Intergenerational, Enews

Annual Meeting & Potluck

Wed. Jan. 29, 6:30 p.m. – Annual Meeting (potluck at 6:00 p.m.) – Fellowship Hall. Join us as we
present the 2020 proposed budget, Staff & Leader reports, 2020 leadership ballot, and as we celebrate our many
2019 volunteers. For the potluck, bring a dish accordingly: last names A-F bring entrees (meat, veggie, bean or tofubased
dish); G-N bring salads or side dishes; O-Z bring desserts. Gluten-free and vegetarian options are welcomed.
Calvary will provide the beverages. Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Intergenerational, Enews

David & Joyce Reed Presenting at Church School & Monday Night Pub

Join us as Calvary-supported American Baptist missionaries David & Joyce Reed share about their ministry as IM Global Coordinators for Spiritual Care. Cultural fatigue, isolation, burnout, and lack of spiritual care support are key reasons missionaries leave the field. Explore and experience why spiritual formation is a critical piece of resilience in mission not only for global servants but also for every Christian in the 21st century.
Monday Night Pub (Piccolo's Restaurant @ 6:30 p.m.): We are hard-wired for a deeper life with God.  Come and explore how brain science intersects with spirituality, and how we can become more aware of the nuances of God's invitations. We will participate in an interactive spiritual practice together. Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Enews, Education, Spiritual Practices; Missions

Church-wide Study on Sabbath

Jan. 13 to Mar. 2 - Churchwide Study on Sabbath. Everyone is invited to take part in a churchwide study on Sabbath and how it can be a core practice for our lives. The Sabbath curriculum/study guide walks you through what Sabbath is, the roots and tradition of Sabbath in scripture, how to develop your own theology of Sabbath, rituals for keeping Sabbath, and utilizing Sabbath as a practice for communal discernment.

The study guide is available for individuals, families, small groups, or church school classes. You may access a digital copy through a link in the E-news, or a printed copy by request (contact Pastor Morgan). Also, if your small group or church school class plans to use the study guide together please let Pastor Morgan know. The Pastors will be hosting a discussion group on the study guide Tuesdays (Jan 14, 21, 28; Feb 4, 11, 18, 25; Mar 3) from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Boardroom or via Zoom (video chat).

After the eight-week congregational curriculum study in January and February, through conversations and rituals at our Wednesday evening Lenten Suppers (Mar. 11, 18, 25, & Apr. 1), we will move into a churchwide exploration of what the barriers are that come with practicing Sabbath as well as what Sabbath practically looks like in our lives today.

Finally, throughout Eastertide, we will further discern together what the practice of Sabbath can mean for our committees, small groups, and life together at Calvary. To be kept up-to-date on all that is happening around this churchwide study and conversation, make sure you are subscribed to our E-news Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Spiritual Practices, GPS Groups, Education

Read the Winter Issue of the Messenger

Read the Winter Issue of our quarterly newsletter, the Messenger! Read More…

Tags: Enews, Top Story

Bring Books In for Stedman Elementary by January 6th!

The Giving Tree: Help us Empty the Tree and fill Stedman’s Library! As you leave this evening, please take an ornament from the Giving Tree located near the doors to Fellowship Hall. Each ornament has the name of a book on it. Calvary and New Hope Baptist have a partnership with Stedman Elementary School and we are helping them stock up their classrooms and libraries with culturally diverse books. Books may be returned to the church by January 5, 2020. Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Enews, New Hope Baptist Church, Partnership

Sunday Worship Notes for Dec. 22, 2019

The first story Luke tells in his gospel is Zechariah’s story. Zechariah and Elizabeth’s inability to conceive in their old age reminds us of the stories of many of Israel’s patriarchs and matriarchs. Zechariah’s song is the longest of several songs in the birth narrative of Jesus, and it overflows with language from Israel’s Scriptures. The connection is loud and clear. The story we are now reading is not a new story; it is a continuation of the story of God’s love and faithfulness for generations.

If this is true, then what’s different about the story this time around? What is the proclamation and promise that the birth of John brings?

After centuries of prophets foretelling the Messiah, John is the closest prophet we have to Jesus himself, the one we Christians believe is the Messiah. What can we learn from John about our role of “paving the way” for Jesus? If there was a prophet so close to Jesus in his day and age (even living at the same time as Jesus), what does that tell us about the role of prophets in our faith today? If John came before Jesus, who is coming after? Read More…

Tags: Worship

Un-Hanging of the Greens

Sun. Jan. 5 – 11:45 a.m. – Un-hanging of the Greens. Help our church staff take down the Christmas decorations in the Sanctuary, Narthex, and Fellowship Hall. This will take place immediately after worship and then we will enjoy pizza once we are done. Please let Pastor Morgan know if you plan to stay and help. Read More…

Tags: Worship, Enews

“I’m IN!” Stewardship Update (as of Dec. 18, 2019)

“I’m IN!” Stewardship Update (as of Dec. 18, 2019)
• 138 Commitment Cards received, representing 211 people at Calvary
• 87 increases in total pledge amounts from last year, totaling $44,480
• 11 new Commitment Cards received (new from last year), totaling $14,480
• $616,966 pledged to date ($876,379 is our 2020 budget goal)

Thank you for your generosity Calvary! We are deeply grateful to the 138 individuals, couples, and families who have made financial commitments to Calvary for 2020. We have surpassed our total pledge amount from the last couple of years; this is good news!

Our budget reconciliation team has begun meeting to modify the 2020 proposed budget to present to the congregation at the Annual Meeting in January. It is not too late to turn in a 2020 “I’m IN!” Commitment Card or to email your pledge directly to Church Account Luwan Jones ( We are still short of our budget goal; every commitment counts! Friendly Reminders:
• If you give online or via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), we still need your updated pledge information for 2020.
• If are moved this holiday season to make an increase to your pledge, we welcome your additional generosity. Pledge adjustments may be made by turning in a new Commitment Card, emailing Luwan Jones (, or calling the church office on Wednesdays at 303-757-8421.
Read More…

Tags: Top Story, Enews; Stewardship
