
Worship Time Evaluation

Thank you for all your responses to our worship time evaluation! The council discussed all of this at length... Read More…

Tags: Worship

Breakfast Burrito Fundraiser

In true Calvary fashion you all turned up and turned out for our youth for their Breakfast Burrito Fundraiser! This past Sunday you did not reach the students’ overall goal of $500, you exceeded it. In fact, you raised Read More…

Calvary, I Need Your Help!

Happy May Calvary!
Matt and I have been in Denver a little over a month. Many people have asked how I'm adjusting, and I'm happy to say I'm finally getting the hang of things! This is the first time I've been both a communications director AND a pastor. It is my dream job, but Sunday mornings present a small problem for me.
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Tags: Enews

Announcing Our Newest Hire! Meet Dr. David Farwig!

Dear Calvary family and friends,
It is with great joy that I announce that Dr. David Farwig will be joining Calvary’s ministerial team as Director of Music on August 15, 2018. Read More…

Tags: Staff Update, Top Story

Why You Should You Invest in the Calvary-New Hope Partnership

For this week's "Weekly Word," Becky Whitaker and Christine Flug tell us the reasons they are investing in the Calvary-New Hope Partnership.

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Tags: Enews, Education, Partnership, New Hope Baptist Church


I've been on Calvary's staff for almost two weeks now. Read More…

Tags: Enews


This is all about learning to begin conversations with people about faith and/or Calvary in ways that are non-threatening and inviting. Through initiating such conversations and opportunities we build relationships and involvement.
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Tags: Pastoral Care, GPS Groups, Intergenerational, Spiritual Practices, Discipleship

Welcome Rev. Alice Horner-Nelson

Welcome to staff, Pastor Alice Horner-Nelson. Read More…

Tags: Staff Update, Top Story


The second word in our 2018 INVITE Challenge is VOICE. This is all about speaking out loud to others how you see God working in your life or the world and telling people what you find meaningful about Calvary. It can be intimidating or uncomfortable to talk to others about faith or church, but there are easy ways to working "God" and "church" into your everyday interactions with folks. Read More…

Tags: Discipleship, Pastoral Care, Spiritual Practices, Youth, GPS Groups, Intergenerational, Children's Ministry


The second word in our 2018 INVITE Challenge (see below) is NOTICE. When we are in our routines of attending the classes and ministries with which we naturally connect, sometimes we do not notice all of the other opportunities for ministry that are all around us. Read More…

Tags: Spiritual Practices, Discipleship, Top Story
